
Gary O’ Slide

Gary O’Slide Gary O’Slide, is an independent musician and composer. Music and musical instruments are his passions. His compositions are mostly instrumental pieces with relaxing, western, blues and Folk atmospheres. He’s been playing guitar since the age of 12. Have played in several bands until decided to specialize on the slide guitar after discovering incredible […]

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Human and Diezeo

Music for A New Human Age »
After 15 years of musical creation, we wanted to start a collaboration to offer our first album, having for theme our beautiful nature and the misdeeds of humanity.
The album is eclectic, our musical styles are Pop, World Music, NewAge, Electronic music, Downtempo and Deep House.
Inspired by ecological causes, exploring the human nature, passionate about our mother earth, and the link that binds us inexorably to it. We wish to make aware people of certain issues, trying to touch their consciousness but mostly through their feelings, delivering a message of hope through our music.
Good Travel…

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