

Albarracín by Muniesa Albarracín by Muniesa:Albarracín is a Spanish town, in the province of Teruel, part of the autonomous community of Aragon.This soft, peaceful and calming guitar composition is a tribute to this beautiful town. Albarraci?n by Muniesa

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Muniesa EP

Muniesa EP by Muniesa Muniesa is a Classical Guitar composer with Spanish and Mediterranean nuances. His music is really relaxing, peaceful and meditative. 3 tracks EP very peaceful and relaxing. Muniesa by Muniesa

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Album cover for "Sense of Passage" by Carlo Matti featuring colorful dandelion-like spheres.

Sense of passage

Sense of Passage by Carlo Matti Reviews: “Sense of Passage by Carlo Matti is an album I fell in love with from the very first track and onward, it is a peaceful reverie in a new dimension of tranquillity, one that will bring much to your never ending search for calm, and as such this

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Clepsydra by Carlo Corazza

In this piece of music I want to tell about the perception of time flow, the clepsydra inside of us.
Perception is amplified by the wait, and thus every descending grain of sand, whose weight, movement and sound we can feel, brings an always different world, an emotion and a feeling which constantly change in their flowing.
This has happened during the months that separated me from meeting you…

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