Roberto Diana & Tri Nguyen – The Fourth Hour


“The Fourth Hour” is the single prelude of the album “Project Perosi” October 2018.

The idea came out after Roberto Diana discovered the music of the classical composer Lorenzo Perosi. 
Composer Roberto Diana revisited Lorenzo Perosi’s music, using musical instruments and musicians coming from different parts of the world. Creating a mixture of western and oriental music coming up with something audience has never heard before.
The work started in October 2017, after a successful show at the Festival “Perosi 60”.



  • TITLE:  The Fourth Hour

  • ARTIST: Roberto Diana & Tri Nguyen

  • RELEASE DATE: August 7th, 2018

  • GENRE: Mediterranean Folk Instrumental World


“The fourth hour’s history”

“The Fourth Hour” takes its cue from the piece “Il Risveglio” (the Wake Up) from the poemetto “Le Cinque Ore di Londra”.
In this Opera, Lorenzo Perosi tells the flowing of 5 mornings hours near Westminster Abbey.
The typical ring of the Abbey bells ring is reproduced in this piece by Roberto Diana’s Weissenborn.
After accurate research, it turns out that the wake-up time (for the friars) was at 4 a.m., hence the title of the track.

My idea was to mix up different styles of music. -Diana says- And because of this idea, I immediately thought about of Tri Nguyen. We met each other when we were both in consideration for the Grammy Awards. Even thought we came from different music traditions, we have a lot in common. So this track is a mixture of western and oriental music. After this magical experience with Tri, we decided to continue to do even more beautiful projects together. To be revealed soon.

[Tweet “The Fourth Hour by Roberto Diana & Tri Nguyen) #Robertodiana #TriNguyen #Weissenborn #DanTranh”]


Tri Nguyen (Dan Tranh) & Roberto Diana (Weissenborn) - Photo by Giulia Cartasegna

Vietnamese born, Tri Nguyen is considered as one of the most important Zither players.
With his unique style, he blends together his traditional music with music from around the world, creating something new and absolutely innovative.

He has toured Worldwide.





Tri Nguyen (Dan Tranh) & Roberto Diana (Weissenborn) - Photo by Giulia Cartasegna

Awards winner and with many world tour behind his back, Roberto Diana is a Sardinian musician. His music is based on constant research different styles of music and the fusion of infinite musical universes.

He is considered to be one of the most important Italian guitar player.

With this track, Diana has softly linked music instruments and cultures have nothing in common at first sight.

With his Weissenborn, Roberto blends his Sardinian culture with Tri’s Vietnamese heritage through the Dan Tranh, at the same time preserving the classical influence with the presence of the violin and the cello.



Weissenborn & Dan Tranh for the first time playing together


Roberto Diana: Weissenborn
Tri Nguyen: Dan Tranh (Zither)
Nina Uzelac: Cello
Giulia Cartasegna: Violin

Recorded at Balance Studio by Andrea Saidu
Edited by Belobrk Aleksandar
Mixed and Mastered at Raighes Factory Studio by Roberto Diana


Press Quotes:

9/10 Rating on Liverpool Sound and Vision

The Fourth Hour - Roberto Diana and Tri Nguyen - Review by Liverpool Sound and Vision 9:10 SRatings

Joining Roberto Diana on the single is Vietnamese born Tri Nguyen, rightly considered one of the most important and uniquely performing zither players. It is a combination that is remarkable, forthright, the same search for energy and commitment striding through each musician’s veins. It is a commitment that shows, for the classical world does not truly get represented in the way that was perhaps envisaged, hijacked by those to whom have no regard for the popularity of the piece when played with vigour and stirring observance.

This creative mix of Sardinian belief and oriental music is that original vigour in the modern-day setting, it is a force to which even those who might outwardly suggest that they don’t understand the mechanics of the symphony and the classical arrangement, can feel invigorating their veins with ease.

The Fourth Hour is a beautifully crafted piece that holds out with beauty in its arms.

This piece is a gem to be savoured as the music shimmers through one’s consciousness.

Monika Ryan review - Roberto Diana & Tri Nguyen - The Fourth Hour (Single) - Grammy Awards - Independent Music Awards

From the first note “The Fourth Hour” by Roberto Diana and Tri Nguyen brings you “in” with a gentle, soulful and weighty chime. The project is a multilayered blend of strings and meeting of minds through thoughtful meditative musical conversation. The new yet familiar sounds conjure up visuals that remind us of home in a nostalgic colourful vignette. As with all well-designed recipes, the elements intermingle seamlessly into a perfectly balanced composite where boundaries are imperceptible and all that remains is the singular amalgamation.

This piece is a gem to be savoured as the music shimmers through one’s consciousness.

Monika Ryan
Internationally Acclaimed Jazz Singer and Songwriter, Recording Artist and Touring Musician.

The Fourth Hour vibrates beyond our universe.

I just heard The Fourth Hour. Intriguing! Two great artists each unfolding the mysticism in his respective instrument but merging into one sound that resonates from the soul. The Fourth Hour vibrates beyond our universe. Congrats Tri Nguyen and Roberto Diana, you both played as if you know one another from a past beyond the human perception.

Together, they are magic. They create a new sound.

I love the artistry and musicality of Roberto Diana and Tri Nguyen individually. But together, they are magic. They create a new sound.

Weissenborn & Dan Tranh for the first time playing together


“The Fourth Hour”
(La quarta ora) è il singolo estratto in anticipazione dall’album“Project Perosi” in uscita ad Ottobre 2018.

Weissenborn e Dan Tranh per la prima volta insieme!
Il progetto nasce dopo aver incontrato la musica del compositore Classico Lorenzo Perosi.
Partendo dalle sue melodie, il compositore Roberto Diana le ha rivisitate e modellate adattandole agli strumenti e a musicisti provenienti da diverse parti del mondo.
I lavori al disco iniziano dopo l’anteprima di un concerto, di grande successo, del “Project Perosi” al “Festival Perosi 60” svoltosi a Tortona (città Natale di Lorenzo Perosi) nell’Ottobre 2017.



  • TITLE:  The Fourth Hour

  • ARTIST: Roberto Diana & Tri Nguyen

  • RELEASE DATE: August 7th, 2018

  • GENRE: Mediterranean Folk Instrumental World


La storia

“The Fourth Hour”, La quarta ora prende spunto dalla composizione “Il risveglio”, tratta dal poemetto “Le Cinque Ore di Londra” in cui il compositore raccontava 5 ore della mattinata, vissute nei pressi dell’Abbazia di Westminster.
Il caratteristico suono delle campane dell’Abbazia è richiamato nel brano dalla Weissenborn, il particolare strumento suonato da Roberto Diana.
In seguito ad accurate ricerche, si è scoperto che l’ora del risveglio corrispondeva alle 4:00 del mattino; proprio grazie a questa scoperta, si è scelto come nome del singolo “The Fourth Hour” ovvero “La Quarta Ora”.

“Data la natura del Perosi Project -spiega Diana- e considerando la fusione degli stili musicali, quando ho scelto gli artisti che avrebbero preso parte al lavoro discografico, Tri Nguyen è stato uno dei primi nomi a venirmi in mente. Ci siamo conosciuti perché eravamo entrambi in lista per la candidatura ai Grammy Awards.
Pur provenendo da tradizioni e culture differenti abbiamo scoperto di avere un modo di affrontare la musica molto simile.”


Tri Nguyen (Dan Tranh) & Roberto Diana (Weissenborn) - Photo by Giulia Cartasegna

Il musicista Vietnamita, naturalizzato Francese, viene considerato uno dei maggiori esponenti e conoscitori dello strumento tradizionale “Dan Tranh” (Zither).

Con il suo stile unico ha fuso la cultura tradizionale insieme a la musica proveniente da diverse parti nel mondo.Vanta Tour Internazionali, nomination e vittorie dei maggioripremi musicali come: Global Music Awards, Independent Music Awards e Grammy Awards.





Tri Nguyen (Dan Tranh) & Roberto Diana (Weissenborn) - Photo by Giulia Cartasegna

Pluripremiato, con all’attivo diversi Tour Internazionali, è un musicista Sardo che ha fatto della ricerca e della contaminazione un suo modus vivendi. Viene considerato uno dei migliori chitarristi del panorama nazionale e non solo.

In questo brano collega in maniera molto delicata, ma decisa strumenti e culture distanti tra loro. Riesce a fondere la tradizione Sarda, con l’ausilio della Weissenborn, e quella Vietnamita, grazie al particolare suono del Dan Tranh, passando per le composizioni e gli strumenti classici come Violino e Violoncello.




Roberto Diana: Weissenborn
Tri Nguyen: Dan Tranh (Zither)
Nina Uzelac: Cello
Giulia Cartasegna: Violin

Recorded at Balance Studio by Andrea Saidu
Edited by Belobrk Aleksandar
Mixed and Mastered at Raighes Factory Studio by Roberto Diana


Press Quotes:

9/10 Rating on Liverpool Sound and Vision

The Fourth Hour - Roberto Diana and Tri Nguyen - Review by Liverpool Sound and Vision 9:10 SRatings

Joining Roberto Diana on the single is Vietnamese born Tri Nguyen, rightly considered one of the most important and uniquely performing zither players. It is a combination that is remarkable, forthright, the same search for energy and commitment striding through each musician’s veins. It is a commitment that shows, for the classical world does not truly get represented in the way that was perhaps envisaged, hijacked by those to whom have no regard for the popularity of the piece when played with vigour and stirring observance.

This creative mix of Sardinian belief and oriental music is that original vigour in the modern-day setting, it is a force to which even those who might outwardly suggest that they don’t understand the mechanics of the symphony and the classical arrangement, can feel invigorating their veins with ease.

The Fourth Hour is a beautifully crafted piece that holds out with beauty in its arms.

This piece is a gem to be savoured as the music shimmers through one’s consciousness.

Monika Ryan review - Roberto Diana & Tri Nguyen - The Fourth Hour (Single) - Grammy Awards - Independent Music Awards

From the first note “The Fourth Hour” by Roberto Diana and Tri Nguyen brings you “in” with a gentle, soulful and weighty chime. The project is a multilayered blend of strings and meeting of minds through thoughtful meditative musical conversation. The new yet familiar sounds conjure up visuals that remind us of home in a nostalgic colourful vignette. As with all well-designed recipes, the elements intermingle seamlessly into a perfectly balanced composite where boundaries are imperceptible and all that remains is the singular amalgamation.

This piece is a gem to be savoured as the music shimmers through one’s consciousness.

Monika Ryan
Internationally Acclaimed Jazz Singer and Songwriter, Recording Artist and Touring Musician.

The Fourth Hour vibrates beyond our universe.

I just heard The Fourth Hour. Intriguing! Two great artists each unfolding the mysticism in his respective instrument but merging into one sound that resonates from the soul. The Fourth Hour vibrates beyond our universe. Congrats Tri Nguyen and Roberto Diana, you both played as if you know one another from a past beyond the human perception.

Together, they are magic. They create a new sound.

I love the artistry and musicality of Roberto Diana and Tri Nguyen individually. But together, they are magic. They create a new sound.
