
Zodiac by Carlo Matti

The Zodiac, the path of Life
The Zodiac is a circle, the end and the beginning. Here the sound of the celestial spheres become audible, and the human perception touches the unending Life of the Universe.

In collaboration with

Capricornus, the tenth constellation of the Zodiac.
Capricornus is the blend of water and earth, the sign of metamorphosis and change, the impossible creature that opens the winter time.

Aquarius is the glory of winter, the greatness of the sky’s ocean. The nature regenerates in his silent sea, and he pours the waters of life.

Pisces is the end of the cycle and a new beginning, a double sign of rebirth, towards the old and towards the new, unity of opposites, in an energetic smile.

The cycle starts, nature’s life is rising, in the equinox the sun rises carried by the Ram, ready to spring.

The great Taurus was the ancient sign of the rebirth, the deep, strong, and stable light. Taurus in the sky is impressive, with its huge horns and its brightest star, the eye, Aldebaran, that eternally chases the Pleiads.